David Hall

David Hall is a retired engineer and project manager with a Masters Degree in Business Administration. During his career he has worked on many highly significant and important national assignments from Concorde to the Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier.

Following his move to New Milton in Hampshire on the South Coast, David soon learnt that the Cliffs at Barton on Sea, which lie within the parish of New Milton, were a source of well preserved fossils and were internationally famous for their geological importance. However it was not until discovering that Barton had given its name to a period in the geological calendar called Bartonian that David became curious to understand the origin of this term, especially as the local community were largely unaware of this apparently important fact. Initial research established that the name Bartonian was first coined by the Swiss geologist Karl Mayer-Eymar and thus set David on the path to learn more about the man and how and why he conceived the term Bartonian.

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