M.J. McMullin
Now retired, after a distinguished and remarkable career in the Military and Hampshire Constabulary, now long term resident of Hampshire, Michael McMullin has taken the plunge and published his first novel. ‘The Cape Agulhas’ which features a motor yacht in Spain and includes his intimate local knowledge of not only Hampshire and Wiltshire, but also the south coast of Spain and Gibraltar.
As a person Michael makes fascinating listening to, from his experiences of growing up in the foothills of the ‘Mountains of the Moon’ in Uganda. (This is the world of Dian Fossey) through his encounters of near-death diseases to his experiences of the handling of poisonous snakes and the raising of wild animals during his latter years in Africa. The experiences of diving to recover military weapons in a crocodile infested river and his subsequent experience at the British Underwater Centre in Dartmouth.
He remains rather ‘tight lipped’ about his career in the Army other than his Adventure Training experiences in the latter part of his service. His time with the Hampshire Constabulary is however full of anecdotes as are his experiences as a civilian within the transport industry and more recently as a photographer. Michael’s passion for flying has never diminished and following his stroke he speaks passionately about self-motivation and other subjects.
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