Living and Coping with a Disability


SKU: 9781913012908 Categories: ,

Book Details

Weight 390 kg
Dimensions 24.8 × 17.2 × 9 cm


ISBN (Paperback)




Page Extent


Page Size

Pinched Crown (244×170mm)


Riverside Publishing Solutions

About The Author

Alexandar Campion

Alexandar Campion

Alexandar Campion came into writing late in life because of his learning difficulties, while having been a successful chef and then decided to quit it all to become an architect he realised he needed to learn to read and write. This didn’t come easily or fast but each day he just kept on finding a new way to absorb as much information as possible, and never gave up. He has how written one book... Learning Challenges with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia and now his latest work, Living and Coping with a Disability. Both books have come from his own unique perspective and experience which he wishes he had on both journeys, he adds his dash of humour and keeps the book from talking at you to talking with you as this he feels makes the reading more enjoyable.

This book is mainly a person’s perspective and approach to having a spinal cord injury over a decade ago and what I have learnt since being put onto wheels! It will hopefully help you avoid some of the potholes that come up and things that are not so helpful and the things that are!

It has taken the author a while to write this and longer to decide to publish it, with insight also from his own family and experiences within the world of wheelchairs and disability.

The author believes and hopes this will provide insight and maybe help the reader avoid some of his mistakes, of which he feels he has made many, but you live and you learn. It is straight down the line and to the point, but the author doesn’t want to waste your time, hence why it is so direct. The hope is you will find it of use and that you will live a full life regardless of what you have been told you can’t do. There is always a way.